We are a research team based at the School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh. As members of the Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications, our work falls in the wider area of artificial intelligence. With the aim of contributing to a grand challenge and having an impact on everyday practice, we are conducting health informatics research, thus employing artificial intelligence techniques for studying and improving complex healthcare systems.
- EPSRC Platform Grant (Grant EP/J001058).
- EPSRC doctoral scholarship.
- Grant from the College of Science and Engineering of the University of Edinburgh.
- Sandyford Sexual Health Services, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, UK
- Chalmers Sexual Health Centre, NHS Lothian, UK
- Regional Infectious Diseases Unit, NHS Lothian, UK
- St Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, UK
- Biomedical Informatics, University of California San Diego, USA